Lead Excellence
Audit & Assurance | Capacity Building | Taxation | Research | Survey | Risk Management | Corporate Law | HR | Advisory |
Lead Excellence Assurance Advisory Audit Services Company (LE) is the only CPD UK accredited firm in the country professionally supervised and managed by a group of directors and senior managers who are highly qualified, experienced and possess the several industries knowledge. Lead Excellence Audit and Advisory Services Company
Multi sector expertise
Our consultants have hand on experience in various sectors, who can facilitate you with customized business solutions.
Serving Client, a Top Priority
Focused based approach to provide outstanding services.
Senior professional attention
LE ‘s senior consultant’s and managers are all hands-on professionals who are actively involved in their client engagements.
Consistent experienced engagement teams
Our core team has worked together for over 20 years. This allows us to provide continuity for the long term.
Small firm flexibility
We are a small firm, we are able to react quickly. We can respond to clients’ needs without the bureaucracy that larger firms have
Sharing Our Knowledge
We have extensive experience providing consulting and services to several companies, which lead to a permanent relationship with clients which enable us to share our knowledge extensively.
- Partnership Afghanistan Canada
- Afghanistan Rehabilitation & Development Program
- Cash Link Financial Services
Afghan Development Foundation
- ARG Group of Companies
- Logar Logistics Company
- Organization of Human Community Services - OHCS
- CPD United Kingdom

Lead Excellence Assurance Advisory Audit Services Company is the first CPD United Kingdom accreted firm in Afghanistan. LE has a wide range of network across Afghanistan through 27 experienced, professional and qualified staff members. Out of total 27 staff members, 14 are core staff and the rest of the staff are working for specific projects and intervention on assignment based. The Board of Directors, and top-level management (The Executive Director, Directors of Program, Director of Finance) with strong support of middle level management staff of Program and Operations are mainly responsible to develop, manage and implement the strategic plan. Lead Excellence Consultancy Services has written procedures and policies for Program/ Project Management, Financial Management, Operations Management, Capacity Building and reporting.
Program & Project Management Cycle Manual
Usually this manual lays down the central concept of Lead Excellence’s existence, how the organization visualizes its future in light of its past and present and how it plans, conducts, controls, communicates and evaluates its core activities reflected in its programs.
Financial Management Policy
Operations Management Manual

Friendly Price Package
This is a short description elaborating the service you have mentioned above.
Most Affordable Co-Working Place In The City
A descriptive paragraph that tells clients how good you are and proves that you are the best choice that they’ve made. This paragraph is also for those who are looking out for a reliable co-working space. You can use a few enticing words and flaunt your capabilities that will attract future clients and encourage them to hire you right away. List down your expertise and experience to prove you are the best.
Membership Package
Dedicated Office Package